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What is F-Stop?
The f-stop number is actually a fraction, F/16 means 1/16. This represents the size of the "hole".
It's main impact is the depth of field of the photograph. The larger the fraction = the more greater the depth of field.
Secondly, it impacts the amount of light that comes in. The larger the fraction, the less light it lets in.
**You'll be safe if you shoot with the f-stop on 5.6 or 8**
TIP: I don't think of the numbers as a fraction, i see 16 and think 16 not 1/16, therefor I remember it as...
For field of depth... "numbers correlate"
the bigger number = bigger depth of field
the smaller number = smaller depth of field
For lighting... "it's the opposite".
the bigger number = less light,
the smaller number = more light
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