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Kodak Brownie no.2 Box Camera

~120mm film

~medium format film

~introduced in 1901

~cheap and easy (at the time)

~made film accessible to the general public.



Story & Cleaning

I bought the Kodak Brownie no.2 Box Camera at an antique store in Roswell, GA in 2023 for around $25. They now sell any ware from $20-$100 depending on condition. Mine was in good shape, and everything functions pretty well. 

I gave the insode and outside a VERY good clean with water and a Q-tip. Make sure you get the lens and the inside too!

How-To Use

1. load the film into the back of the camera

2. hold at chest level

3. COOLEST PART, look down into small rectangle to see what you're taking a picture of.

4. aim at subject

5. pull silver lever down and release

6. advance film by rotating the silver circle :)

120mm film

120mm film is larger than the typical 35mm film. It is typically used in older cameras like this one. 120mm is the only medium format film that is still being produced. A spool of 120mm film typically produces 12-16 photographs. 


**COSTS: around $8-$10 a roll


Box Cameras are the OG point and shoot. There are no features to adjust. 

~ View Finder

Time To 

REWIND instructions coming soon

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